Do you find that no matter what your career, financial situation, social or relationship status is, you find yourself constantly dissatisfied, trying to fill an inner void? Feeling like you're constantly moving but not getting anywhere? Then ask yourself this, are you being true to your Passion, Purpose and Potential?
Most people live their life "following the herd," losing their own identity and personality in the process. These people usually base their beliefs and faith in others, tailoring there thoughts and ideas to what society believes to be "acceptable".
Leading empowerment coach, Allyson Spellman is living proof that it is never too late to rebuild your life and Unleash Your authentic Voice. She has created Unleash Your Voice a brand dedicated to helping women unleash their authentic voice. She wants to let women know that the void they are seeking to fill is already within themselves and the key to finding your true self is to stop "following the herd."
On Tuesday, May 21st, BiTTT had the honor of hosting an event with Allyson Spellman where she inspired our ladies to make a change, stop settling for less and follow their intuition. The journey to self realization is a long but rewarding one, and this event was just the beginning. For those who attended, we encourage you to visit Allyson's web page and blog at and continue discovering your self worth. For those who missed the event, visit our photo gallery for images of the event and be inspired!; because its never too late to make a change.
Most people live their life "following the herd," losing their own identity and personality in the process. These people usually base their beliefs and faith in others, tailoring there thoughts and ideas to what society believes to be "acceptable".
Leading empowerment coach, Allyson Spellman is living proof that it is never too late to rebuild your life and Unleash Your authentic Voice. She has created Unleash Your Voice a brand dedicated to helping women unleash their authentic voice. She wants to let women know that the void they are seeking to fill is already within themselves and the key to finding your true self is to stop "following the herd."
On Tuesday, May 21st, BiTTT had the honor of hosting an event with Allyson Spellman where she inspired our ladies to make a change, stop settling for less and follow their intuition. The journey to self realization is a long but rewarding one, and this event was just the beginning. For those who attended, we encourage you to visit Allyson's web page and blog at and continue discovering your self worth. For those who missed the event, visit our photo gallery for images of the event and be inspired!; because its never too late to make a change.